The scheduler finds a valid combination of course schedules with no conflicting time slots, given a set of courses and a set of quarters they are to be distributed over.

Each quarter needs the 3-character shorthand (aut, win, spr, sum) as part of the quarter name.

See a sample course schedule


  • Could not find class(es): HUMBIO 158G


Units per quarter



Usage tips:

Enter each course and quarter name on a new line in their respective boxes. Courses should match the listing on Stanford University Explore Courses.

Quarter names can take any form, as long as they are entered one on a line and have the 3-character shorthand (aut, win, spr, sum) as part of the quarter name. This allows you to distinguish between different quarters (e.g. spring2013 vs spring2014).

After searching for a set of classes, there will be an option to remove specific time slots for classes. The slots for each class will be displayed at the bottom of the page and separated by time slot and component (LEC, DIS, SEM, etc.). Deselect a slot to remove it from the next schedule search. To remove a class entirely, you have to delete it from the class list.

You can see an example of the slots by checking the sample schedule.

Course schedules are last updated October 2013, and are subject to change by Stanford University.

Interested in improving the scheduler? Want to check out the source code? Found a bug? Contact me.